Many have read Nisargadatta's "I am that" book and if I had a nickel for every time someone spoke the phrase "I am" when replying to something said on this page or simply making the comment of "I am" being who they are, I would be a rich man. Now, if I had a nickel for all the times "I am" was spoken by "spiritual" people and they actually lived it, rather than intellectually regurgitating what Nisargadatta said, I wouldn't be able to buy a pack of gum. The mind is not what awakens, this is not an intellectual process or a figuring out of some mystery. The little "i", that fragile ego of Suzy or Johnny claiming "I am" is no different than Suzy or Johnny calling themselves Suzy or Johnny. The "I am" is having the courage to let go of all the constructs and beliefs that were built by your conditioning, it is past the mind, past any intelligence, past your 170 IQ or any college degree you've acquired. It is a removal of all the noise that has been created by your "adultness", all the thoughts that come and go that have no relevance to most of what you do each day, and the identifications with these beliefs created by your fear of the unknown. For those who read these posts and get upset or defensive, that is just fine, this page is probably not for you. For those who are open, vulnerable and honest about knowing they may not know what the above means but they want to awaken to their true nature, this page is here to help you in any way it can by answering questions and one on one guidance.
Beautiful and straight up honest!