There are very intelligent people who believe that matter or specifically the brain creates consciousness. Putting the cart in front of the horse never ends well for anyone and in this instance, this cart could possibly be said to be lacking even the horse. Looking inside the brain for consciousness is like looking inside a radio for the announcer. Mind is merely a tool we use to perceive the world around us, all of which is consciousness, of which comes first. The intellect can argue this from any angle and many intelligent people do, many scientists take their own stab at consciousness but they are taking a stab at it with the only tool they know, the dualistic and divided mind. The "dual" (two) can not know the one and consciousness is the one, you see the issue? The mind is not what wakes up, awakening is not an intellectual process, the intellect is what keeps most intelligent people from enlightenment. Just because an intelligent human who has memorized every word in the dictionary and can paralyze a room to sleep with their intelligence, means nothing to this path and understanding the one. The mind knows not what is past it so it doesn't matter your IQ or your incredible ability to manipulate people into thinking you know what you are talking about. The only way to under consciousness (the one) is to let the mind (two) and the finite knowledge go, into the infinite, through direct experience. And don't worry all you high IQ individuals, you won't lose any of your book read knowledge you spent so much money collecting over the decades. It may not have the same meaning it once had but you'll be fine.